I’m coach Susan, a certified life coach.

I help young adults with their mental health,

stop comparing, become confident, so you can

live an emotionally healthy life and pursue your


Hey there,

Feelings are the only reason we ever do anything.

Why we take action is because of our feelings.

For most of my life, I lived in constant comparison.

Throughout childhood and decades into adulthood, I had no idea how to process emotions.

As a result, I made countless poor choices.

I inflicted misery and suffering upon myself, and blamed other people for it.

I battled with self love and self confidence.

I made external things the reason for my feelings.

How I felt hinged on what other people did or didn't do.

I had the soundtrack of “I’m not good enough” on repeat in my brain.

I felt panic, anxiety, and overwhelm constantly.

I would compare and then feel despair.

I felt so much shame, regret, and unhappiness.

I was reacting to my feelings and I didn’t know it.

Spoiler Alert: I was missing awareness.

Self confidence is not something you’re born with - it’s a choice.

What you get with Susan:

An experienced coach:

I have been a coach for 10+ years at a Fortune 500 company. I have a Bachelor’s degree in English from University of California, Irvine.

If you are looking for a no fluff coach who remembers and knows what it’s like to be caught in overwhelm and comparison, I can help you.

Confidence Cultivation:

If you’re struggling with feeling inadequate, or that you’re not good enough - the answer includes mindset. I can help you remove the things that are causing you to feel this way.

It’s not a one size fits all:

We each struggle for various reasons. I believe we are all unique and have our own superpowers we can hone. I can teach you to find it, hone it, and own it.

Let’s find that soundtrack and rewrite it to help you feel better and live better.