The coaching you need to live an emotionally healthy life.

Can you relate?

  • You find yourself binge watching TV or scrolling on social media for hours.

  • You’re not able to focus and follow through on what you want to do.

  • You’re starting to wonder if something is wrong with you.

  • You feel like you’re not good enough.

  • You’re comparing yourself to others, and it feels like your life is not as great.

  • From the outside, you seem fine, but you’re struggling on the inside.

There is a soundtrack you are living by. And it’s on repeat.

This is preprogrammed, inherited, and/or unconscious and it most likely isn’t serving you.

Every single person has a soundtrack that runs their life.

Do you know what yours is?

You should because it affects your life.

It affects who you show up as in the world.

Maybe your 5th grade teacher told you, you weren’t a leader and you still believe it.

I was told by a UCI Teacher - not even a Professor, I shouldn’t be an English major. I took this opinion as a fact.

I spent two unsuccessful quarters trying to find what else I loved. I wasted my time and energy, over a person’s opinion.

I decided to major in English anyway, and I’m so glad I did because it was my passion!

I’ve met people in their 30s & 40s who still believe “I’m not good enough” and live by this main sentence.

What if you learned a different soundtrack now, so you can live a better life starting now?

If and then…

If I get into a great school, then I’ll be happy.

If I get married, then I will be happy.

If I make a lot of money, then I will be happy.

If you’re feeling down right now,

even when you achieve your goals:

You will STILL feel as you do right now.

I can help you to be happy without changing your circumstance.

Are you overwhelmed?

I get it. Life can feel hard, but it doesn’t have to be.

I believe we are all wired to live out a purpose.

You have a unique gifting & calling on your life.

You’ve got exactly what it takes to feel better.

Feel better so you can pursue your hopes and dreams.

  • Eliminate being overwhelmed

    Gain control of your emotions.
    Learn the patterns that cause overwhelm and the skill to get out of it.

  • Increase Confidence

    Confidence is a skill.
    It is not something you are born with.
    Stop being insecure.

  • Live with emotional health

    Focus your time and energy on increasing your awareness. This stops you from reacting, and puts you back in control of your mindset.

The ability to have an emotionally healthy life is within you.

Let’s find out what’s causing the overwhelm and eliminate it.

I can help you access what’s going on in your own mind, and change it.

Stop feeling overwhelmed.

Have Confidence.

Live an emotionally healthy life.

Are you ready to change your life?

Here is what we will accomplish together:

Uncover what’s causing your feelings, and help you start feeling better.

Increase confidence, learn the skill to manage your emotions.

Eliminate overwhelm, and other indulgent emotions.

Do you want to live an emotionally healthy life?

It’s easier than you realize.

It’s possible.

Try it and see your life change.

Your best life is waiting for you.

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